I'm just a slow paced lady perfecting my craft
β€”a little something I like to call
the artisan pace.

the art of waiting, resting, and crafting in every season.

This blog is for those who know they need to slow down.

Here we'll find permission to be a little late, a little messy, and a little less picture perfect for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

To allow the loving hands of Jesus to work in our lives, teaching us the real way of living.

Together we'll discover the artisan pace of our Savior.

Loving Him. Loving others. Refusing to grasp after more than we need.

And finally tasting what it is to have enough.

I'm Jeana β€”a messy gal
who is always late for coffee dates.

I'm an introvert, but having people around my table always makes me feel more alive. It's a real conundrum. 

I currently live in Louisville, Kentucky with my wonderful husband/childhood sweetheart and our two little boys.

For fun, I paint, write, and make artisan bread (and flower crowns. I can't get enough flowers in my life.)